S.I.M.P.L.E. (Scalable Innovative Modularly Produced Living Environment)
The S.I.M.P.L.E. system is designed for high density, multi story urban applications. It includes a series of prototypical designs for college and university student residences. By combining steel space frame technology and a variety of sustainability techniques, these buildings offer unparalleled responsiveness to college and university needs. The SIMPLE system has been recognized as one of American School and University Magazine’s Top Ten Products for 2007.
R.E.A.L. (Residence for Ecological Affordable Living)
The R.E.A.L. system is designed for low rise, multi-family and individual residences. Focusing on affordable sustainability, it includes prototype designs for townhouses and detached homes. These buildings integrate living walls and green roofs, conserve energy, and are striking architectural designs.
The growing interest in prefabricated building techniques is clear from the current work in architectural schools, popular magazines such as Dwell and the coming show of prefabricated houses at New York’s Museum of Modern Art. The S.I.M.P.L.E. and R.E.A.L. systems take this trend another step by addressing a wide range of building needs with economy, sustainability, and style.
What are great this designs is very nice.
Beautiful design along with all the benefits that Modular Housing brings.
Yah.......really the design is very attractive... I like it so much....
Thats really good..i like it..superb design..hope to see more like this very soon..
yes its a need of every individual to live SIMPLE life..No body wants complexities but make sure all these system is designed for high density, multi story urban applications
Yeah, The New Modular Homes Today Modular house today look totally different then what they looked like years ago when they first came out. They look like conventional built homes that range from cottages to mansions.
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